Quality Policy

Premium-quality Asafoetida (Hing) manufacturer, supplier, importer and exporter in India.

RB Hing

Asafoetida Hing

RB Hing Co. Pvt. Ltd. manufactures, supplies and exports premium quality asafoetida hing made of only flour gum and hing following all FSSAI laws by Indian Government. Our all hing products have passed the FSSAI testing. We are not only the leading supplier of Asafoetida Hing in India but worldwide.

Our Certificates-

Quality Policy for Asafoetida Hing

As per Indian government FSSAI law, only flour gum & hing are allowed in the ingredients of compounded hing, measuring moisture not more than 10%, alcoholic extract not less than 5% if any other.
Most manufacturers don’t know about the procedure of processing of compounding the Asafoetida Hing. They use turmeric powder, oil, butter colour, permitted colour, oleoresin capsicum etc.
All these things aren’t allowed by the government, and they will be failed in FSSAI testing.

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